I love watching these prison documentaries on cable, like "Lockup" on MSNBC, and a few others. Man, life looks miserable for those losers. These guys, the ones who've been locked up for the rest of their cheap, annoying lives for murder and other heinous violence, they ain't got nuthin; they ain't deserve nuthin; and fuck them to hell. They spit at and fling their shit at the guards; they throw tantrums of the most violent kind; they are simply primitive animals who have nothing left to give to society, and nothing left to take from society, except tax dollars, of course. Lots and lots and lots of money gets poured into their sorry maintenance, and for what? Still, I laugh when I hear them talk into the camera about how unfairly they're treated. (Yeah, shitface, how about the way you treated your victim, you scum?)
I'm not talking about the guy who ripped off a million bucks from his company, or the corrupt politician doing time. I'm not even talking about the dumb ass hole who robbed a bank.
I'm talking about murderers.
The super-high security prisons are what get me. I mean, it really gets my goat that we provide a living for these scum bags. Why does our nation insist on having high-security prisons? "Segregation Unit my ass!" My retort: We should abolish them immediately. If some slime bag deserves super-high security for the rest of his slimy life, why don't we just suck the air out and end it now? Better for him, much better for us! If a man can kill somebody in self defense, why can't The State kill somebody after the deed is done? Eye for an eye, sucka!
Couldn't. Agree. More!
Saw one of these show last weekend, maybe on The History Channel. They covered the Aryan Brotherhood and other gangs within the prison system.
They put no value on anyone's life but their own.
Just gas 'em all.
I second that motion!
They aren't worth the crust in YOUR underwear!
I don't have as much hate as I used to for incarcerated criminals.
As long as they're on the other side of the brick wall, I don't care.
Let them have cable TV and a safe cell, and hour of exercise a day, three meals. Just keep them the fuck out of my neighborhood.
...why can't The State kill somebody after the deed is done?
They can....in Texas.
I couldn't agree with you more. My wife witnessed some dumbshit high school loser crash his car doing about 80. Killed his 16 yo girlfriend. He served 100 days.
I think we should kill 'em all, including the ones who've done fraud and acted corruptly, in fact those fuckers should be first in line. Mere murderers are not a priority, but those fraudulent cunts have been getting away with way too much for way too long. We need retribution on any current ones to make up for all those who've gotten away with it.
Ay? I ask ya.
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