You know those wind-up TV sets and radio/flashlight combos? They don't need batteries because you wind them up to charge them and they'll work for a few minutes or half hour or whatever. Cool. But do they have little generators for bicycles to recharge your ipod, cell phone, or lap top as the bike is pedaled? If not, they ought to; I'd buy one. But what about those who prefer to walk/jog/run? Couldn't they rig up something to utilize the movements of your legs to charger whatever you're carrying? Good idea, that.
By the way, when you're at work surfing the internet, make sure to wipe that smile off your face, for it is the first clue to your boss when he walks by that you're wasting his time. A frown is even better because it looks like you're concentrating on work instead. This works for personal phone calls, too. Make sure to frown even when your girl friend is telling you the evening dinner plans.
I always thought that driving is like a video game, but when you lose, you really lose.
Nobody around here really likes to talk about it, but winter will be arriving soon. Actually, after such a beautiful summer and fall, I welcome it. Especially those first few days when the roads are icy. Let me explain. There are three types of drivers in this world: 1) timid, slow, dangerous; 2) dumb, over-confident, and crazy; and 3) dumb, over-confident, and crazy, and they know it! I, of course, fall within the last group. During the winter months, it's the members of the first two groups who end up in the ditch. This has the amazing effect of clearing the lanes so that the very few members of the last group can drive right down the middle and get to work on time. It is like that video game with a bug in it, one that works for you, the one that racks up 99,999 points in, like, 4 minutes.
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