Friday, July 25, 2008

Blah blah blah

"I will be out of the office starting 07/24/2008 and will not return until 07/28/2008.

"I will respond to your message when I return.
My reply:
"But I will be in the office during this time. Thank you for your quick response. I will be awaiting your actual response, the one that I expect will be meaningful and not a waste of my time. In the mean time, you needn't notify me further as to when you will return because I know that my original message is in your inbox and that you will read and respond when you return."
"I will be out of the office starting 07/24/2008 and will not return until 07/28/2008.

"I will respond to your message when I return.
I've decided to make two life changes: 1) Put socks on before pants. Why? Because my calves are so bulky with muscle after years of extensive physical training, stair-climbing, and many long marathons, it is impossible to pull the bottom parts of my pants up so that I can pull my socks up to that satisfying height of sock-on-calf comfort. Actually it's because I'm overweight and old and I can't bend over that well anymore.

The second life change is that I vow to have finished my first water bottle of the day before I get out of the car after my morning commute. It must be trippy watching me fumble over all my shit trying to walk through four separate doors with a brief case, keys, cell phone, sun glasses, and water bottle. I'm an idiot.

Have you noticed that many users (not you, of course) mistakenly think that the little Internet Explorer icon on their desktop is the internet, and they have no idea what a web browser is. Isn't this like thinking that the four-wheeled thing in the garage is Walmart?

I find that the more often I hear somebody say, "You bet," the more often I want to bet them how fast I can lay them on the ground if they say it again.


Dan O. said...

RE: The IE icon. Then there are others who think AOL is the internet.

I used to try to explain how AOL is nothing more than a waste of your computer's resources with all the cutesy, useless bullshit they throw on the opening screen. And how much faster their computer would run without it.

I also have told anyone who would listen, not that they understand, but they would listen, that the only thing I ever used IE for was to download Netscape. Netscape and Mozilla (Firefox) are the only browsers and email I've ever used at home and I've never gotten a virus in 16 years on the internet.

Their eyes just glaze over like I started talking Swahili, so I just gave up. Let them pay The Geek Squad to cleanse their 'puters of evil IE/Outlook viruses.

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with putting my socks on but that is just because I am a fat ass not because I have muscular calves.