Check out this link of the inside of the new AirBus A-380 ( via Dark Roasted Blend ). How cool is that? Use your mouse to zoom in and out and rotate around to see virtually every detail of the entire cockpit. Just look at all those controls!
I have a question, though: Where is the little button that triggers the public address system? I always wondered that. It must be a small one. Or it could be all computer controlled. The pilot might just say something like, "Computer, message to passengers," and all he has to do is start talking.
Is that an ash tray that the pilot has (left arm of his chair)?
When doing air travel, isn't it cool to catch a glimpse of the cockpit when you board the plane? You walk inside and there's the nice lady greeting you. Turn your head left a bit, get a sneaky peek, but not for too long, see, because that nice lady is scrutinizing you. (I'm always careful not to be too obvious with that out of the fear of being suspected of something really bad.) Take a quick look, then turn right and keep on moving. Seeing all that technology lit up like that gives me a small sense of security. I am reminded that a lot of planning and design went into the technology, that the flight crew has extensive training and experience in all aspects of flying, and that they know precisely how to respond to any in-flight glitch, from a faulty indicator light to a wing falling off. Breathe a breath of relief; relax, you're in good hands, I tell myself. How could something that cool and complicated looking fail?
I'll tell you how: If it's operating system was developed by Microsoft, that's how. The OS would probably resemble Microsoft Mobile 5, like what my Motorola Q (smart phone) runs. (I can't stand my phone, and maybe I'll write something about it later if it doesn't end up in a lake.) Needless to say, the thing would have to be "in-air-patched" a dozen times from New York to Las Angeles, and they'd probably have to reboot after each one. I wonder if some of those displays have Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 7 built-in?
Another thing that gets me is that it seems like the pilot and copilot can't see directly in front of the air craft. There's so many buttons, switches, and electronic displays, that the front window is way up there. What do they have to do, stand up to take a peek out front? Seems odd to me. I'd think that the view that is directly in front of the air craft is one of the most important ones because it could warn the pilot in case the plane were about to fly into something like a Cessna or that photographer who always seems to be able to take pictures of jets coming at him dead on. I should have a talk with the AirBus designers, those idiots.
I notice that this jet still has pedals. I wonder what they control. What with all the electronics and computers and such, why do they still need pedals? Maybe they activate backup wings in case a wing does fall off? Probably not. Hey, I had pedals in my pedal car when I was in nursery school. Good Lord, even my mother could design a better cockpit. That's it. I'm writing to the company. They need to go back to the drawing board.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
That's CAPTAIN to you!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Stevie Ray Vaughan

Stevie Ray Vaughan is one of my favorite guitarists, and I'm very sorry that he's not alive. There are few musicians, dead or alive, whose music makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up.

But I couldn't help notice that, of the thousands of photographs I've seen of this Guitar Saint, a lot of them seem to portray him to be in the middle of a very hard and difficult shit. See for yourself.

The man was very expressive in his guitar playing, that is for darned sure. Do you see what I mean? Oh, there are so many photos of SRV, certainly not all of them portray him this way.

He's really giving it all he's got, isn't he?

The one above looks particularly difficult. This one makes me feel sorry for him, but I don't know why. Can you just imagine when he sings and plays Texas Blues and Rock, he really means it?

But the man sure could play. May he rest in ever-lasting peace, and I hope he's still playing that good ol' Texas Hard Rock Blues somewhere.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
F-Bomb Update
By the time we got to work this morning, I was $5 further down. The breakdown is as follows:
- $2 - ride home last night. Fellow was driving too slowly (50 in a 55) where it is smooth and straight. I was annoyed and said, "That fucker!" I don't remember the other.
- $1 - evening time, watching TV
- $2 - this morning's ride into work
- $3 - Lunch time today (two times in the car, and one at the table).
Restaurant Assassinations
I was watching The Sopranos, Season 6, "Stage 5" when there was a restaurant scene in which one goon at the table, sitting right next to Paulie Walnuts, was assassinated by a lone gunman. He walked in, blew the guy away, and walked out. Great scene, effects, blood splatter, all that. I note, however, that the restaurant emptied itself moments thereafter. My question: Do the people who were eating moments earlier still owe for their food/drinks? I wonder if, during the Mob Hey Days of Chicago, New York, etc., restaurants had some sort of notice posted on the wall:
Notice: Assignations do not relinquish obligations to pay for your meal. Please sign-in with your name, telephone number, and address so, in case somebody gets shot and you run out, we can track you down and get paid for whatever you ordered. Thank you. The Management, see.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Word "Fuck"
My GF never really used the word fuck well, and for quite a while I've scolded her to not use it, especially in front of other people. Now don't get me wrong, I'm no fuckin' prude or anything like that. I use the word all the time; too much, in fact.
It's interesting how one gets started using the F-Bomb. Smart people will correct me here, but I think it's basically a means to show people how much courage you have, and one picks it up from people one hangs out with. But I digress.
I made friends with a dude who moved here several years ago, and we went out drinking together quite a bit. He used the word a lot. It was crazy. I'd ask him, "Hey, wanna go grab a few pops after work?" and he'd reply something like, "Well, fuckin', my wife has to pick up the kid and we fuckin' only have the one car today, and, well, fuckin'... let me see. I'll call her. We'll fuckin' see already."
Well, he moved to another city, that fucker, and now I'm left with the habit of saying (and typing) that word a lot.
My GF likes to say it, too, but only when she's really pissed or emotional about something (mostly shit at work). I've told her for a long time that it's just not becoming of her. It just doesn't sound right. Maybe she should've taken lessons from my friend, I don't know. So yesterday in the car she used it again, and I told her I've had enough of our vulgarity: From now on, it's a buck each for each of us. Say it and pay. I'll get us both to STOP saying that ugly word.
Not two minutes went by when some asshole cut me off near an intersection and I exclaimed the word. Fuck! There goes $1. "Pay up, turkey." I pulled out my wallet and handed her a buck.
Two miles further down the road, some jerk did something else that pissed me off, and I said it again. There goes another $1.
Before we'd gotten home, I pulled out four or five one-dollar bills and laid them out on the dash. After the third $1 I had to give her, I'd hoped that no off-duty cop was witnessing these transactions, else he might think we were dealing in drugs or something. Good Lord.
This morning on the way in? Yep, $1 down. She's enjoying this, I can tell by her giggles. I'll get her, though. All I have to do is drive really fast, and I can get her to say that word again. All I want is for her to start saying the word again. Women.
It's interesting how one gets started using the F-Bomb. Smart people will correct me here, but I think it's basically a means to show people how much courage you have, and one picks it up from people one hangs out with. But I digress.
I made friends with a dude who moved here several years ago, and we went out drinking together quite a bit. He used the word a lot. It was crazy. I'd ask him, "Hey, wanna go grab a few pops after work?" and he'd reply something like, "Well, fuckin', my wife has to pick up the kid and we fuckin' only have the one car today, and, well, fuckin'... let me see. I'll call her. We'll fuckin' see already."
Well, he moved to another city, that fucker, and now I'm left with the habit of saying (and typing) that word a lot.
My GF likes to say it, too, but only when she's really pissed or emotional about something (mostly shit at work). I've told her for a long time that it's just not becoming of her. It just doesn't sound right. Maybe she should've taken lessons from my friend, I don't know. So yesterday in the car she used it again, and I told her I've had enough of our vulgarity: From now on, it's a buck each for each of us. Say it and pay. I'll get us both to STOP saying that ugly word.
Not two minutes went by when some asshole cut me off near an intersection and I exclaimed the word. Fuck! There goes $1. "Pay up, turkey." I pulled out my wallet and handed her a buck.
Two miles further down the road, some jerk did something else that pissed me off, and I said it again. There goes another $1.
Before we'd gotten home, I pulled out four or five one-dollar bills and laid them out on the dash. After the third $1 I had to give her, I'd hoped that no off-duty cop was witnessing these transactions, else he might think we were dealing in drugs or something. Good Lord.
This morning on the way in? Yep, $1 down. She's enjoying this, I can tell by her giggles. I'll get her, though. All I have to do is drive really fast, and I can get her to say that word again. All I want is for her to start saying the word again. Women.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Dick's Cam
I've realized that it's not a good idea to attach a web cam to my penis. Firstly, and most importantly, my dick would get cold -- it being winter and all. Secondly, my viewers would probably get dizzy with it waving around like that as I walk. Taking into account exactly how it is attached, of course, if it is mounted toward the end, and considering my length, well... never mind. (Isn't blogging cool? You say what-ever-the-fuck-you-want!)
Happy New Year
Happy New Year! I mean it. Thanks for looking around here. By the way, we took down our Christmas ("CHRISTMAS!") Tree yesterday evening. Know what? It was the most relaxing time of the entire Season. No rushing, no driving, no spending, no commitments, no expectations, no hassles, no people, not even a tangled string of Christmas Tree Lights. Just my lady and me, thank you very much. Yeah, we cooperated. We were a team. We spend four hours going through and boxing up our collection; those cool little objects that are only used once per year yet somehow gain in value as the years fling by. She likes to pack them all in their original containers, or tissue paper as needed. We talked about how we acquired each one. Who gave us that one, this one. Which ones we don't like because they weigh as much as a stapler or that they're just stupid anyway. Not really. Even the stupid ones are cool. We had a bottle of red wine. We listed to the adult contemporary radio at a low volume. I got out of my post-Christmas-depression. Christmas was Alive again for me, and I think I can make it until Christmas this year. We had a good time together, and I didn't even have to cuss anyone out. Dig that.
PETA in the news: They want this alleged cannibal to eat only non-meat products in jail awaiting trial because, apparently most importantly, they want those poor critters to avoid having a violent death, and, secondly, eating meat will cause him to want to eat other people besides his girlfriend. I want to mail PETA the bones from my chicken and beef so it can at least get a proper burial. Idiots.
Speeding has to be done like farting: only within a crowd, otherwise, you'll get caught.
Drug Commercials (again)
That Enbrel commercial (for the treatment of psoriasis) is the scariest drug commercial I've ever seen. If I am not mistaken, among all the really rotten-sounding side effects, the commercial actually suggests that you may die if you take it ("sometimes fatal events")! Good Grief! My question: If they're trying to sell the stuff and in the same breath try to scare me away from it, don't those two statements cancel each other out and thus not only render the commercial useless but a complete waste of my two minutes? Thought so.
Speaking of those drug commercials, for once I'd like to see a drug commercial where you can actually see the guy's face when he tells you, "If you experience an erection for more than four hours, seek medical attention immediately."
I've realized that it's not a good idea to attach a web cam to my penis. Firstly, and most importantly, my dick would get cold -- it being winter and all. Secondly, my viewers would probably get dizzy with it waving around like that as I walk. Taking into account exactly how it is attached, of course, if it is mounted toward the end, and considering my length, well... never mind. (Isn't blogging cool? You say what-ever-the-fuck-you-want!)
Happy New Year
Happy New Year! I mean it. Thanks for looking around here. By the way, we took down our Christmas ("CHRISTMAS!") Tree yesterday evening. Know what? It was the most relaxing time of the entire Season. No rushing, no driving, no spending, no commitments, no expectations, no hassles, no people, not even a tangled string of Christmas Tree Lights. Just my lady and me, thank you very much. Yeah, we cooperated. We were a team. We spend four hours going through and boxing up our collection; those cool little objects that are only used once per year yet somehow gain in value as the years fling by. She likes to pack them all in their original containers, or tissue paper as needed. We talked about how we acquired each one. Who gave us that one, this one. Which ones we don't like because they weigh as much as a stapler or that they're just stupid anyway. Not really. Even the stupid ones are cool. We had a bottle of red wine. We listed to the adult contemporary radio at a low volume. I got out of my post-Christmas-depression. Christmas was Alive again for me, and I think I can make it until Christmas this year. We had a good time together, and I didn't even have to cuss anyone out. Dig that.
PETA in the news: They want this alleged cannibal to eat only non-meat products in jail awaiting trial because, apparently most importantly, they want those poor critters to avoid having a violent death, and, secondly, eating meat will cause him to want to eat other people besides his girlfriend. I want to mail PETA the bones from my chicken and beef so it can at least get a proper burial. Idiots.
Speeding has to be done like farting: only within a crowd, otherwise, you'll get caught.
Drug Commercials (again)
That Enbrel commercial (for the treatment of psoriasis) is the scariest drug commercial I've ever seen. If I am not mistaken, among all the really rotten-sounding side effects, the commercial actually suggests that you may die if you take it ("sometimes fatal events")! Good Grief! My question: If they're trying to sell the stuff and in the same breath try to scare me away from it, don't those two statements cancel each other out and thus not only render the commercial useless but a complete waste of my two minutes? Thought so.
Speaking of those drug commercials, for once I'd like to see a drug commercial where you can actually see the guy's face when he tells you, "If you experience an erection for more than four hours, seek medical attention immediately."
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