Thursday, April 19, 2007


I was tromping down the sidewalk, quickly, energetically, and in sync with my heavy breathing, my heart bobbing through my chest like Uma Thurman breaking through her coffin. I was doing so well. A layer of sweat blanketed my forehead. I was feeling great and I didn't want to slow down. Then it happened: blockage. I came upon two overweight broads, waddling down the middle of the narrow path, strolling at a snail's pace, smoking cigarettes and polluting the air that I would nearly immediately and involuntarily suck into my lungs like a drowning man. In it went. My chest started to hurt. I was breathing too hard. I was so pissed. I switched into a gallop and got around them.

I needed some payback. I took a heavy drag from my cigar and exhaled my cloud of smoke right into their path. That'll teach them. Cunts.

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