You know, some folks refuse to even try to understand basic computer usage principles, but not because of a lack of curiosity or some obstacle in the way of understanding. It's because they want you to think they are as humble and modest as the Pope. It's much better to be the Pope than a “geek” who understands how to copy a damn letter to a floppy disk. You hear it all the time: "Oh, well, yeah, I'm just a nincompoop when it comes to those darned things." Translation: "I am one with God and I will just take your word for it that you can copy or upload a file. I am, of course, above actually spending any time learning how to do it myself. That would be like getting my knees dirty replacing the plumbing under my house while making a seven-figure salary. To hell with that, geek. You do it. And, by the way, can you do it for me? I'll buy you a cup of coffee?" I think this is just a bunch of fake humility.
These are invariably the same jerk-offs who are in front of you and driving 10 MPH under the speed limit. Why? To prove how “safe” they are as a driver. “Yeah yeah yeah, you're safe, and I'm bored. Get the f out of my way! Take your safe driving bullshit to the shoulder if you're too afraid to actually drive. If you want to just stop, that is OK with me. But don't do it in the middle of the left-hand lane in a 55 MPH zone, PULL THE F OVER YOU CONCEITED BASTARD! Fake humility and being controlling.
Look How Good a Parent I Am
You know those mothers who talk to their rug-rat kids just a little bit too loudly in close proximity to others around them? It's just so you can overhear snippets of "How to be a Good and Loving Parent." They're proving to you how responsible and caring a parent they are. OK, I'm good with good parenting and all. But that's like talking too loudly on your cell phone when you're annoying your captive audience on a bus. “Yeah yeah, your kid just farted and you're in my way.”
I wish people would just let go.
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