Friday, November 16, 2007

Audio Cues for Drivers?

My - and probably your - computer has many different sounds that are associated with events, you know, like program errors or when the operating system loads. These make great audio cues so the user can be sure of what the computer is doing. I was thinking, why can't cars have different sounding horns for all the events that happen on the road? I can think of several.

Though in my city we wouldn't use them very often, I think it would be nice to have a friendly sounding mode, something that sounds like tingle tingle, or whatever, to say thank you to those few who use blinkers, or who don't cut you off.

More useful, however, we could have the soft, polite, coaxing little "beep beep" so that you can calmly remind the driver ahead of you that the light has just turned green and he can take his gaze off iPod or his GF and go. (I tend to gaze at my GF at red lights because she is extremely cute - hey, I'm talking reeealy cute - when, on more than one occasion, I have been reminded in this way. It is embarrassing, but it happens.)

You could have a slightly louder and more assertive sound for when somebody may not see you as they're changing lanes. It happens, and I wouldn't vote to have people arrested for this, though maybe a good honk would help to deter this stupidity. How about a a loud, growling sound? "Watch it, buster, stay out of my turf!"

OK, it's time to get serious and show those idiots just how angry you can get. The jerk-off who changes lanes right in front of you without the use of the turn signal. This guy deserves something ear-piercing. How about an accurate and loud rendition of a train-wreck? Or a gun-shot if capable speakers exist.

How about that guy who who refuses to drive faster than 25 MPH in the acceleration lane before merging into the main highway. Idiot. He'll get the loudest, most obnoxious horn.

Naw, wait a minute. These are bad ideas. There'd be so much noise pollution in this town, nobody could hear the commercial jets fly over anymore. Never mind.


Anonymous said...

Visual cues, such as my middle finger, seem to work pretty well for me!

Anonymous said...

If this idea were a stock, I'd buy it.

I agree. We need more than one car horn tone. Something mild and friendly. Another, frightening. Yet another, offensive.

Anonymous said...

Forget horns. The jerk-off who changes lanes right in front of you without the use of the turn signal deserves a nuclear missile.

Anonymous said...

Nah, you don't seem to understand the logic of changing lanes. What you do is you find a gap you want to get into, assess whether you can fit, and then as you start changing lanes you indicate.

If you indicated any earlier, the cunt who is at the rear of your intended gap will just move up close behind the car in front to prevent your lane changing, so you must circumvent this possibility by only indicating when already moving.

What about those fuckers who decide they want to change lanes, and instead of finding a gap and getting in there, they just put on the indicator and expect every other cunt to move out of their way, even when they are doing a much slower speed than the traffic in the other lane, so in order to let them in, the whole fucking lane has to stop. If they would just do the prevailing speed it would be so much better.