Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Kid wants a bike

So there was this kid who asked his dad if he could get a bike. The dad says, "Kid, if you can touch the head of your dick to your ass hole, I'll buy you the bike!" The kid tried, tried, and tried again, but just couldn't.

Couple years go by... the kid tries it again. Can't do it, dammit. He's 15.

Couple more years. Tries it again. Almost.

Finally, he's 18 and a half. He just manages to plant the head of his dick next to his ass hole.

"Dad! Dad! I did it! I did it! I got my dick head right in my ass hole! Can I have the bike now??"

The dad replies, "No, but now you can fuck yourself!"

OK, Ok... bad blog material. I'll do better tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

LMAO I got so many visuals with that one.

Some weren't too pleasant either!Still funny though.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I liked it. Nice twist at the end.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What about that boy who saw his sister touching herself, and chanting "I want a man, I want a man".

A few weeks later, he sees her sneaking a man out of her room.

He gets an idea, and goes into his room and starts rubbing his crotch while chanting "I want a bike, I want a bike"