Monday, October 15, 2007

Skid marks

Just a few...
  • What is with railroad engineers and cruise line passengers who wave at you as if they're in a parade? People who drive by in their cars and trucks don't do that. Can you imagine how friendly the roads would be if everyone always waved at everyone else? It would be sickening.
  • Slow-driver frustration is a lot like blackjack. The closer to the speed limit your offending road blockage is, but without going over, the more frustrating it is. (If they're going really slow, you can just pass them.) Also, the older to age 99, without going over, the more frustrating it is. And the longer you have to follow them to your place, without actually pulling into your driveway, the more frustrating it is. The more you have to go to the bathroom, without going in your pants, the more frustrating it is.
  • Don't forget: Voice mail only works when you're away from your desk. If you're at your desk and your phone rings, no matter who is in your office talking with you face-to-face, the person calling naturally gets the priority, and the voice mail function probably won't work anyway.

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