Monday, October 1, 2007

skid marks

I like the way Lighting Bug's Butt does these "bullet-ins" of snappy bursts of wisdom and witty observations. I think I will steal his idea and name my version "Skid Marks." After all, I am an idiot and I do drive, so that must mean I cause others to leave Skid Marks. OK, here is my first attempt:
  • A camera and a phone seem to be as related to one another as a toothpick and a drill. Fine. But why don't they include other handy tools built into cell phones, like a bottle opener, a magnifying glass, or even a cigar torch-lighter? These are things I'd like to see.
  • They always ask me if I need to have my parking validated. This is a nice service that can save on the high price of parking these days. But what reward do I get for walking and saving the air quality? Why don't they ask me if I need to have my walking validated and buy me a martini?
  • Cars ahead of me in my lane need to slow to look for parking spaces, I can dig that. But I still wish I could ram into them to shove them out of the way. Just because they have to slow down doesn't mean they're not blocking me for some stupid reason. Idiots.
  • Speaking of martinis. I always order mine with "just one olive, please." For God's sake, I'm ordering a cocktail, not a salad bar.
  • I wonder if I could make a million bucks from blogging?


Anonymous said...

I like your style, M.

How true about cell phones!

And, no. You can't make a million bucks by blogging. You can get something far more valuable, though: praise from people you respect.

Dan O. said...

Don't you just hate when you discover something you've been thinking of doing is already being done while you're being fat,dumb and lazy? And therefore makes you look like a plagiarizer? Or a copycat?

Is it plagiarism if just the style of writing is the same?

Ever notice your best ideas for blog entries come at inappropriate times? Like when you're driving or too busy at work (ha) to stop to even write down the idea.

Or even if you're near a computer at work you can't blog on your lunchtime because the Company firewall blocks your own blog from appearing.

Naw, me neither.