Saturday, August 11, 2007

More complaints

One trouble with surfing the net, all the blogs, all the videos, is that, 95% of the time, I'm listening to my favorite music at the same time. Well, 95% of the content of blogs seems to be videos that require you to pause your own shit while you listen to theirs. Fuck that. It's like having to put up with on-hold music; it sucks. Give me some options, people!

Things I'd like to see. (Then I'll shut up about them.)

English subtitles for in-flight movies so you don't have to waste the lousy $5.00 to watch Shrek when you can listen to your iPod and read the subtitles instead. Nasty, greedy, sleeze-bag airlines, you.

A "Turn-Off-The-On-Hold-Shit-While-I'm-On-HOLD" option

Out-of-state vehicles with Hawaiian license plates

Traffic Law Reminder Signs posted in appropriate places, like in the left-hand-onto-one-way-turn-lanes. Idiots.

More butter.

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